A big giant portion of my game project is multiplayer. Since the days of Quake3 I have found it hard to imagine working on much else than a game which can be played online among friends, enemies, and total strangers. I've also been an avid fan of Counter-Strike since the beta days, and the ultra competitive game play enthuses me to this very day.
Anybody who played QuakeWorld (TF, 2fort4 anyone?) surely remembers the requisite skill of being able to lead your targets in order to actually hit them. This was acceptable to us back then. It was considered a fact of life, and was simply unavoidable. It was also something that could be improved upon.
During what I like to think of as "The Counter-Strike Days" a programmer at Valve Software by the name of Yahn Bernier developed a new approach to networking multiplayer games in the Half-Life engine. It was a two-pronged strategy that consisted of client-side prediction and server-side lag compensation.
Client-side prediction is actually just a technique for disguising the fact that the server is doing all the authoritative simulation and that there is internet-induced latency in communicating the state of the simulation to the player clients which are interacting with it. It goes a long way toward making the game feel more responsive, without actually making the simulated interaction of game objects more responsive. Only superficial aesthetic aspects of the game state can be predicted, and are not necessarily an accurate depiction of the actual game state.
Server-side lag compensation is the closest thing to an actual solution which minimizes the effect network latency has on game play and game simulation responsiveness. More often than not, it works quite well. If you aim directly at an opponent, and fire, the hit will register almost as accurately (but not as immediately) as if the game were being run on the local machine. The server effectively re-winds the game state before performing physics and intersection tests.
On paper it sounds great. In practice, it isn't perfect at coping with latency jitter - or, latency variance (fluctuating ping) among players, which can throw off the compensation wildly. This is a fact that is not well-known. It is the heart of clips being emptied point-blank to no avail. It is also a good reason to avoid playing over WiFi connections, which are prone to random interference and ping spikes.
One more strategy, to smoothing out the game experience, is interpolation. In most modern games, this involves the client storing up multiple updates from the server, so that it can play them as smoothly and accurately as possible - by knowing the starting point and following point of an objects motion. In Counter-Strike Source, for example, this is fixed at 100 milliseconds. So that no matter what the actual network latency is, it is always compounded with an extra 100 millisecond delay for the sake of smoothing out object motion.
At the end of the day, it seems like this is a lot of work just to make the game as responsive as possible without actually reducing or eliminating the actual latency between clients and servers. As long as the server is the only 'true' simulation of the game, these techniques or minimizing the effects of latency on game play are as good as it's going to get without upgrading the actual internet itself.
At the end of the day, it seems like this is a lot of work just to make the game as responsive as possible without actually reducing or eliminating the actual latency between clients and servers. As long as the server is the only 'true' simulation of the game, these techniques or minimizing the effects of latency on game play are as good as it's going to get without upgrading the actual internet itself.
The reason that many games use the above techniques is because they are the best there is right now, and nobody believes that anything better can be done. Thus, nobody really explores different options. They see server-side simulation authority as imperative, because it's the only way to make the game secure from cheaters hacking and hackers cheating. My strategy is to do everything different than what is considered 'right' by many developers.
Firstly, I believe in letting the player's simulation occur client-side. I believe that game play can only be furthered by removing the lag component almost entirely from the player interacting with the simulation. This would be the equivalent of affording some game authority to the client-side prediction being used already.
Of course, the issue of hacking and abuse is the first thought to cross the minds of virtually anybody who understands the difference between client-side and server-side game logic. This is alleviated using a simple array of sanity checks for various 'vulnerable' circumstances. There is always a requisite state, or group of states, which allows a particular following state.
By closely examining the evolving state of a client's side of the game, on the server, it is easy to determine the likelihood that the game has been altered, hacked, etc. Each client will have a dynamic score indicating the probability of game tampering, and a threshold for this value which will invoke consequences (eg: kickban) once reached.
So, lets say that we are simulating a player's influence on the game locally on the client, and we have our hacking detection on the server, and everything is peachy. There's still the issue of latency when the game state is sent to clients. Clients will be interacting with an older state than other players are seeing. If two players are in a firefight, and one tries to take cover, he could end up dropping dead after reaching a safe spot simply because the other player could still shoot him where he was out in the open. This is not fun!
What if we could just predict where other players could be all the time? Or at least guess, so that we're closer to seeing where they actually are, as opposed to where they were? This is called extrapolation. Most games only rely on extrapolation when there is a lag spike, or dropped update packet, and the client's simulation runs out of updates to interpolate between to keep things moving smoothly.
I propose utilizing extrapolation exclusively to substitute for interpolation. When an update is received it should be used to project where the object currently is (based on latency) and where it will be by the estimated time the next update will be received. In the interim the engine can begin interpolating from wherever the object is at the moment (end of previous update extrapolation) to this predicted position.
This will not be nearly as accurate at showing the actual path as existing interpolation/delay methods, but since the server isn't the boss anymore this doesn't even matter! Infact, it will be extraordinarily inaccurate for higher pings.
At a round-trip time of 50 milliseconds (ping), an object will be 25 milliseconds ahead of the position received. If updates are 20hz then we can add another 50 milliseconds (plus or minus whether the update is early/late). So all we need to do is project the received origin out by 75 milliseconds and start interpolating the position to this new spot. A better approach would be to estimate an interpolation vector, scaled so the position will reach the projected position at 75 milliseconds, but continue moving the object with that same vector if the next update doesn't make it in time. When a new update comes, it will cause a smooth correction, and the accuracy no longer is significant as far as manipulating the state of the object locally (shooting and killing it).
Now objects will be more closely where they really are for clients and the server. At least, they won't be far behind like existing methods force them to be. This allows for firefights and interactions to be far more engaging, because it will drastically reduce the take-cover-and-die phenomenon.
The one side-effect of extrapolation is rubber-banding. Let's say we are viewing an object that is stationary, and our client has 200 ping (100ms latency). The object begins moving, and we receive the update 100ms later that is has moved a certain amount so far, and is moving at a certain velocity. Now, we take our stationary local copy of the object and have to accelerate it to the position we predict it will be by the next update, moving it faster than it actually was. Once we receive the second update about its motion, we should be pretty synced up, so long as it keeps moving in a straight line, but there will be a noticeable drop in its movement speed, back to its real speed, when that occurs.
Inversely, when the object stops moving, we will still be simulating it moving beyond its stopping point, and our simulation will be forced to bounce it back to its resting position. Objects will effectively be racing around to be where they really are, always drifting around. This can be hidden by not allowing abrupt movement changes using low acceleration and friction values, but is not always fun because it lowers the game pace. Further smoothing of positions and velocities can be applied, but ultimately the smoother the result, the less real-time it will be. You will be trading smoothness for delay.
Links of interest:
Netcode Interview - with Yahn Bernier (Gamesurge.com, Aug. 2000)
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